Rechercher un cas : 0 résultats : The brand image of a social innovation born in Italy during the Covid era

"Suspended groceries" ("spesa sospesa" in Italian) is a social solidarity phenomenon that emerged in Italy during the Covid-19 crisis and is inspired by the old Neapolitan tradition of the "suspended coffee." Using blockchain technology, transformed this local phenomenon into a nationwide initiative, connecting companies from different sectors, institutional actors, individuals, and non-profit organizations. The two goals of this project are: 1) to support families and businesses facing economic hardship due to the pandemic, and 2) to reduce waste and the environmental impact of redistributing collected goods. The hybrid and multifaceted nature of the Spesasospesa brand will resonate with those who aim to foster social and inclusive innovation. But how can one encapsulate the multiple intentions and interests of such an organization into a single, impactful value proposition? How can the brand expand into new areas without losing the authenticity and values that made it successful? These are the questions Francesco and Davide, the founders of this initiative, pose to all students interested in applying classical brand management concepts to new fields for a positive social impact. Applying these management models may not always be well-suited for a deep understanding of brands with a strong relational and social component. Thus, this case also serves as an opportunity to introduce a critique of managerial approaches to brands and open reflection on alternative theories.
Objectifs pédagogiques
To identify the unique characteristics of brand management in the nonprofit sector.
To examine the challenges of managing and developing a social innovation brand over time, with a focus on defining the value proposition and expanding the brand.
To develop strategic and operational guidelines to strengthen the brand's resonance with society while maintaining alignment with its core values.
To understand the limitations of traditional management approaches in comprehending brands associated with social innovations and to explore alternative approaches.
Social innovation, brand management, non-profit brands, brand extension, cultural approaches to brands.
This case is intended for students who have already received basic training in marketing. It is therefore recommended for master's students and participants in advanced professional marketing courses (MBA and similar programs) with a focus on brand management, sustainability or social innovation, the non-profit sector, and consumer sociology.
Secteur d'activité
Social work activities without accommodation
Caractéristiques particulières
Duration: 4 hours. Debriefing to project to student
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Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.