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On Creativity in Corporate Environments

Agencom is an advertising agency. Its core business is to create advertising and commercial content. Founded in 1988, the firm now belongs to a leading advertising group.
Its managers have taken numerous measures designed to foster creativity. So much transpires when considering the recruitment and appointment of creative staff in key positions.
The company however faces intense passive opposition from both their creative and commercial staff. The aspiration towards creativity has been largely unsuccessful.
Icarius is a medium to small size company specialised in turbine and piston aircraft maintenance. Its entire activity is driven by its respect for aeronautical regulations and institutions.
In 2003, the company surprises every one on obtaining an addendum to the Pilatus Porter PC6 aircraft navigation certificate, making Icarius the only company world wide to know how to install A34 turbines on the Pilatus Porter.
How does a company, which does everything in its power to foster creativity end up failing to do so? How does a company, governed by rules and procedures, manage to become creative? A comparison of these with atypical cases offers an in depth understanding of the dynamics underpinning creative processes. These a priori counter intuitive cases highlight the attitudes, values and practices that favour or inhibit creativity.
Objectifs pédagogiques
- To sensitise students to the management of creativity
- To conduct a comparative study of the two creative processes, a case of failure and one of success
- To analyse managerial, commercial and creative discourses and identify the values, approaches and methods that inhibit or favour creativity
- To extract an approach involving concrete methods liable to generate a culture liable to foster creativity in companies more generally
- Being capable of establishing a culture liable to foster corporate creativity
Creativity, innovation, change
- Target audience: Business Schools, Universities, Continuous education
- Prerequisites: none
Secteur d'activité
Advertising agencies, Repair and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft
Caractéristiques particulières
- A Powerpoint presentation responds to the three questions listed in the case (45 slides).
- French version available: KEDGE-OC-002

Livraison par lien de téléchargement
de 4 à 6 heures (2 x 3 hours)
Oui (10 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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