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Moteurs Baudouin: a Model of Chinese Acquisition in France*

*Best Case in International Management Atlas-AFMI 2023

Moteurs Baudouin can be considered as a model of Chinese acquisition in Europe. However, were the motivations of Moteurs Baudouin and Weichai aligned; are they still aligned? What are the keys to success of such an acquisition? How do they manage their two powerful brands, which may be competing with each other? How do they organize distribution and production using the synergy of both companies? How do they succeed in managing two such different cultures as those of the French and the Chinese?
This case study aims to discuss these issues in comparison with models from the literature.
Objectifs pédagogiques
- give a concrete illustration of the international acquisition of a small family business in a Western country by a big group from an emerging country
- push participants to analyse the main international business -issues at stakes
- benchmark the case of Moteurs Baudouin with other cases of acquisition, and particularly Chinese acquisitions in Western countries
- assess the acquired knowledge of the different cultures involved, and the main intercultural management tools and concepts
- the know-how that can be assessed or taught through this case study is of different types: analytic know-how in terms of analysis of a complex situation, with different types of actors, different motivations and different contexts; capacity of abstraction; contextual understanding, and critical analysis in order to evaluate the Moteurs Baudouin acquisition as a model for other kinds of organizations; creative know-how, in the form of creativity and research in order to propose solutions to overcome difficulties and improve the potential weaknesses of the Moteurs Baudouin situation; and evaluative know-how, proposed as the participants' capacity to assess the intercultural situation through the usual proposed tools and concepts
international business, intercultural management, cultural differences, standardization/adaptation, motivations, international acquisitions, international marketing, international distribution, brand management
This case could be used at the undergraduate and graduate levels as an illustration in Intercultural Management classes, as well as in International Business courses. It could also be used as an intercultural preparation for future expats, or intercultural training for executives who experience or have experienced expatriation. Depending on the type of class, various combinations of the thematic questions could be used.
Secteur d'activité
Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines
Caractéristiques particulières
- presentation of the company PPT
- video
- examination case ("cas à tiroirs"), multiple use: illustrations, short exercises, short cases, longitudinal case, examination case
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
13 avec 5 page(s) annexe(s)
plus de 3 heures (4 hours)
29 - Fabrication de machines et équipements
Oui (43 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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