Rechercher un cas : 0 résultats

dinh van PARIS: Investing in a New Emerging Market

Because dinh van PARIS is a luxury brand in the jewelry sector it is automatically international.
For the moment most of its sales and boutiques are in France, but many customers come from abroad, particularly from the emerging markets where the luxury sector is booming. This is the reason why dinh van's managers wonder if they have to be more present abroad, but they need to determine where, and they would need a business plan.
Objectifs pédagogiques
The first objective of the case is to give a concrete illustration of the decision to invest abroad and of the necessity and difficulty to build a proper business plan.

The second objective is to push participants to learn more and to question themselves about their professional objectives.

The third objective is to evaluate different knowledge and capacities in the field of international marketing and international management:
- Acquired knowledge of the different countries that could be selected;

- Analytic know-how in terms of data analysis that is complex, difficult to obtain, and cross-checked;

- Creative know-how in the form of originality and research in order to propose original solutions to dinh van to differentiate the brand from competitors; capacity of abstraction, contextual understanding, and critical analysis in order to evaluate the possibility of implementing the ideal strategies;

- Evaluative know-how, proposed as the capacity of self-assessment of participant motivations and competencies to work in such field and implement the business plan.
International management, International marketing, International business plan, Emerging markets, Market survey, Marketing policies, Due diligence, Distribution.
This case can be used by experienced professors and participants, similar to a Harvard-type case:
- In undergraduate and graduate classes as an illustration of basic international marketing issues.
- It is very much adapted to master's-level classes in international business or international management. It could also be used as a preparation for future international managers.
- For MBAs students or students when study in different specialized MSc programs or with different backgrounds and have to work in mixed teams.
Secteur d'activité
Jewelry sector
Caractéristiques particulières
This case study is composed of a written presentation of the company situation.
A teaching notes give a detailed analysis of each question, discussion suggestions, and evaluations (28 p.).
Slides present the main step of the business plan (10 p.).
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
3h00 (1 to 8 sessions of 1 to 3 hours. )
Oui (28 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.