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VALTIS : A Disarming Strategic Innovation *

* ARIANE-FNEGE Award 2010 "Best SME Case"

Originally, transport has always been carried out by several armed men in an armored vehicle to protect them against attacks. In 2003, Valtis is a profitable business but has found itself - like the cash transportation sector as a whole - in a pivotal period filled with uncertainty. Mr Regnier has contributed to the introduction on the market of a new transportation technology developed by Axytrans, in which Mr Regnier also has shares, based on a radically different business model. Axytrans is a system of secure containers transported by unarmed men in unmarked cars. The introduction of this technology has made the company's financial equilibrium fragile as it involves one-off rises in costs without increasing turnover. Cash transportation is considered a sensitive business by the public authorities and the sector is subject to strict legislation. In 2003, although the Axytrans system accounts for almost 40% of the market, it only benefits from special dispensation. On this highly concentrated market, only certain firms have adopted the container system, thereby dividing the industry into two clans who fiercely lobby the Interior Ministry to defend their point of view. Philippe Régnier is unsure: should he commit all his SME's resources to the new technology - which he has personally contributed to developing - or should he remain prudent?
Objectifs pédagogiques
The purpose of this case is mainly to: Give an understanding of what strategic innovation involves; Highlight the difficulties related to the introduction of strategic innovation by an existing company: refusal of changes, obstacles to changes, impact on profitability, etc.
Briefing case - Strategic analysis - Innovation - SME - Leadership - Disruptive strategy - 'Blue Ocean' strategy - Strategic Matrices - Risk management - Value chain - Value proposal - Business Model - Policy environment - Mental schemes - Strategic innovation.
The target audience is learners in their initial or continuing training who have taken a strategic management course.
Secteur d'activité
Cash Transportation
Caractéristiques particulières
This case should be seen more as illustrative material than a problem-solving exercise. It addresses three main themes: Theme 1: Characterization of strategic innovation, and consequently the ways to elaborate such a strategy; Theme 2: The necessary challenging of mental schemes in order to introduce strategic innovation; Theme 3: The implications of rolling out this sort of strategy (risk for the innovator, adoption of the new technology by clients, ability to make the two systems coexist (armored vehicles and containers). This case is also an exercise in analytical and summarizing skills. The case includes two complementary documents: a teaching note and a video which can be viewed when the case is introduced, before or after the written case.
A French version is also available.
Livraison par lien de téléchargement + DVD par voie postale
Oui (26 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 470,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 940,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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