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Freedom for Noses! An alternative business model to foster creativity in the perfume industry

The case is about an SME in the luxury perfume sector.
Its founder, an insider in the sector, created it after seeing that the sector was finding it increasingly difficult to offer atypical and original designer perfumes, and that a certain number of consumers were growing frustrated. This observation led him to create his own company and devise a different business model.
The case comprises two parts, which can be addressed successively or separately. The first part leads students to carefully analyze the perfumery sector and the causes of these problems, and then to identify business opportunities to offer a range of products that guarantees a high level of creativity. The second part describes the business model of the company, its operation, positioning and offer and raises the issues of business development.
Objectifs pédagogiques
This case can serve different purposes depending on the time allotted to each part.
- Diagnosing dysfunctions in an industry in apprehending its different dimensions
- Finding entrepreneurial opportunities
- Understanding of issues related to the diffusion of an innovation
- Introducing the concept of business model
- Dealing with a problematic of business development
- Using the concept of marketing mix...
Perfume Industry, Luxury, Business Model, Business Development, Innovation
Graduates - MBA - Executive Education
Secteur d'activité
Perfume Industry / Luxury
Caractéristiques particulières
A video complete the case (in French subtitled in English - Length: 1h30mm). It includes various actors in the perfume industry and follows the outline of the case. So, it consists of two parts: the first allows to make a diagnosis of the situation of the perfume market before the creation of the company, the second presents the company in its various dimensions (vision, processes, teams, distribution, issues ...).
A French version of this case is also available.
Livraison par lien de téléchargement + DVD par voie postale
Oui (7 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 470,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 940,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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