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Volvic The New Equation

Volvic's marketing team contemplates CRM (cause related marketing) as a possible brand lever for this half a century old bottled mineral water brand. The case presents the market situation, consumers' trends, etc. An exhaustive set of criteria / issues to consider for selecting a CRM initiative is provide to the participants who then are asked to build a CRM initiative.
CSR; Cause Related Marketing; Marketing; Stakeholder; France; Water; Beverage Industry; Trust; Social Responsability
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Oui (7 pages) - à acheter séparément

Adhérents : 5,10 € HT / Non adhérent : 5,50 € HT
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* Usage unique limité à une session. Prix par étudiant formé. Licence à renouveler pour chaque nouvelle session.

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Note pédagogique
Volvic The New Equation (Teaching note)