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Giving a new lease of life to a major music festival: The Belfort EUROCKEENNES - Case B

This case method enables learners to discover the strategy, concrete operating mode and the business model of a major modern music festival: the Belfort Eurockéennes. More specifically, the case can be used to illustrate a number of stakes involved in organising a festival managed by an association relying upon a multiplicity of resources (ticket sales, sponsoring, corporate patronage, subsidies, etc.) provided by various stakeholders (spectators, companies, local authorities, volunteers, etc.). The case thus allows learners to understand the role of a festival for its region and stakeholders, understand the business model specific to modern music festivals and reflect on the links between fundraising and the general strategy of an association.
Case A presents a detailed history of the festival, its strategic positioning, and its organisation and business model, notably the particular place of fundraising among companies. Case B explains in a concise way what has really happened since 2011 and the way in which the "Eurocks solidaires" transpired to meet the challenges faced by the association in Case A.
Objectifs pédagogiques
This case gives students the opportunity to discover what is going on "behind the scenes" of a great contemporary music festival. It addresses issues of strategy and development with an example of an organization that has a great reputation and a significant sympathy capital, especially among young people.
The case can be used in courses and lessons on:
- Philanthropy / sponsorship / fundraising
- The management of associations / non-profit organizations
- The Cultural Management
Association, festival, modern music, strategy, fundraising, corporate patronage. Corporate funding, corporate sponsoring, rock music, pop music, managing a rock festival, vision, festival strategy, festival organisation, financial strategy, purpose, regional development and music, the environment, green issues, sustainable development
Initial and continuing education students interested in the associations and other organizations resorting to fundraising.
Secteur d'activité
Caractéristiques particulières
Also available in French version: ESSEC-G-141-1
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Oui (10 pages) - à acheter séparément

Adhérents : 5,10 € HT / Non adhérent : 5,50 € HT
Licence à l'unité*
* Usage unique limité à une session. Prix par étudiant formé. Licence à renouveler pour chaque nouvelle session.

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