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ZWIFT: What strategy for a semi virtual sports unicorn?

Zwift is an American startup who has reached a unicorn status. Zwift offers a semi-virtual sports platform, especially for cycling. With the help of a connected home trainer, the user produces a real effort that is virtually transcribed on a computer. Zwift's success can be attributed to both the gamification of its solution and its commitment to creating a community experience. This success was amplified with Covid-19-related health restrictions. The success of Zwift, which is initiating a blue ocean strategy, also relies on the development of its business ecosystem where numerous complementors play a determining role.
In full growth, Zwift wants to change its business model in order to reach a wider customer base. However, this strategic shift is not without risks. The case proposes a reflection combining strategy and entrepreneurship in order to discuss the evolution of the company.
Objectifs pédagogiques
- Mobilizing the main concepts and tools of strategic management
- Understanding the drivers of a blue ocean strategy
- Analysing an emerging industry, conducting an external analysis
- Identifying the origins of the competitive advantage of a "unicorn" start-up and carrying out an internal diagnosis
- Evaluating the relevance of a startup's growth choices
- Analysing the evolution of a business model
- Studying the evolution of a company within its business ecosystem
Sport - Digital platform - Strategy - Blue Ocean - Entrepreneurship - Business Ecosystem - Business Model
Students : Licence, Master 1 and 2, Mastère spécialisé
MBA, Executive MS
Secteur d'activité
Sport - Digital Platform
Caractéristiques particulières
- PPT: Debriefing (32 slides)
- PDF: Grading Rubric
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
plus de 3 heures
92 - Activités récréatives, culturelles et sportives
Oui (27 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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