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Zedbed attacks the French Market or David contests Goliath

Zedbed is a Quebec family company which manufactures memory foam mattresses, ergonomic pillows and articulated beds. After developing on the Quebec market thanks to a partnership with a furniture chain company, then on the Canadian market thanks to its collaboration with Sears, it now has a chain of 118 department stores.

The company now wants to conquer the French market. It is discovering French consumer behaviour, their purchasing habits and desires, but also existing distribution networks. As a marketing expert, you're being asked to give advice on how best to adapt the product to the optimal distribution network on the French market
Objectifs pédagogiques
This cas addresses a few educational objectives: application of marketing fundamentals and strategic choices in terms of positioning and choice of the distribution channel, while taking into consideration the distinctive cultural dimensions from the company's domestic market.

Thus case study relies on the following questions intending to generate discussions among students regarding the marketing choices and direction adopted - the participants'line or argument and reasoning constitutes the main element of this study, more so than proposing a response in itself:
- Checking if the company should go forward by crossing the Atlantic.
If the company decides to penetrate the French market, students must:
- Define the best positioning;
- Propose modifications in order for the product to be accepted;
- Chose the best possible distribution network
Briefing case - Exam case - Consumer behaviour - Strategic review - Product marketing - Product positioning - Internationalisation - Mix - place / distribution - Bilingual case study
Undergraduate students
This case study can be used in an international marketing class for students with an advanced level (end of first cycle), who know the basics of the discipline, but also who have good intercultural notions.
Graduate students
Graduated students of a marketing program are more in position to solve this case (professional Master, MBA). The professional experience of MBAs students allows them to more easily compare the choices to make, which they may have seen in another similar situation for a similar product.
Secteur d'activité
Manufacturing, mattress
Caractéristiques particulières
The case-study covers a debriefing presentation (68 slides) with the solution adopted.
A french version is also available: M1850
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
17 avec 5 page(s) annexe(s)
3h00 (de 3h à 6h)
29 - Fabrication de machines et équipements
Oui (12 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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