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Techni France: How to increase performance

This case-study examines a small company that sells bakery equipment in the south of France. This company, Techni France, was recently acquired by new shareholders who want to expand its commercial zone and increase sales and profitability. The company used to be managed as a small traditional business, with an organizational structure and processes that could be called into question. The company faced financial difficulties in the past and has not always been profitable.
The present case study tackles the issue of management control implementation, performance measurement and its efficiency in the context of a growth strategy.
It could for instance be used in a management control bachelor or master program.
Objectifs pédagogiques
This case aims to support an open discussion about the use of performance measurement and management tools in a company experiencing growth, how they are selected, but also their implementation.
This is a case involving new managers who want to establish a management control system in order to enhance the performance of the company. This must form an integrated part of the company strategy.
The present case study is potentially a good illustration of performance measurement that uses dashboards, balanced scorecards (Kaplan & Norton) and financial Key Performance Indicators (ROI, Gross Margin) as well as incentive rewards.
All of these management control mechanisms and performance measures (in particular financial measurements) can only be implemented through an IT system in which employees input data in order to communicate and gather information.
However, implementing an IT solution can be difficult in a very small company, where key employees are not at all familiar with computers and can be particularly reluctant to modify their habits. The introduction of changes should be carefully monitored in order to avoid diminished performance.
Performance measurement - balanced scorecard - Managerial accounting and control.
Students can be of any level. The case study can be used in a variety of ways; in courses on Performance measurement, Balanced scorecard; management control. It can be used in Graduate Program, in post graduate program or MBA/ Executive MBA courses as well as executive education programs.
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
13 avec 3 page(s) annexe(s)
3h00 (3 workshops, spread over 1+ month)
Oui (17 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.