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Lisa's Small World: Managing a challenging project without losing face

EuroEstate, a Parisian real estate investment group, is facing increasing employee dissatisfaction due to the work environment and lack of communication. Lisa, the project manager, is responsible for a major update of the information system, including a corporate social network and a customer relationship management tool. However, the project encounters problems and becomes unpopular, trapping Lisa in a situation where she must develop a delicate project to maintain her own credibility.
Objectifs pédagogiques
- Learn to work in a team
- Decipher complex situations faced by a project manager, and more generally a manager.
- Analyze and understand the difficulties and challenges inherent in leading innovative projects
- Understand how complex decisions are made in modern organizations
- Identify the rational, organizational, and political foundations of complex decision-making
- Understand the socio-organizational aspects of implementing digital collaboration solutions
- Recognize the importance of upward management processes
- Transition students from a normative and technical posture to a realistic and social one regarding the role of managers
- Formulate proposals for recommendations
Decision, commitment, middle manager, project management, real estate, manager-director relationship
- Master, Specialized Mastère, Engineering School
- MBA and Executive MS
For executives in continuous training
Secteur d'activité
Real estate
Caractéristiques particulières
Debriefing PPT: 16 slides
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
70 - Activités immobilières
Oui (13 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 180,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 360,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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