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Intelcia: Implementation of the Balanced Scorecard

The Intelcia group operates in the Outsourcing industry. In recent years, this group has experienced rapid growth, that has especially been accentuated by Intelcia's acquisitions of other companies. These acquisitions have enabled Intelcia to position itself as a leader in Outsourcing in the francophone world.
Initially, Intelcia implemented purely financial management reporting and measures; but due to the company's growth this has become inadequate as it does not allow the company to accurately assess the complex nature of its business.
It is necessary to find a rigorous approach that effectively targets the indicators to be measured, and to link these indicators and the financial results according to the logic of cause and effects.
In this context, the Balanced Scorecard approach seems well-suited to Intelcia's needs as it should be able to respond effectively to the above-mentioned needs.
Objectifs pédagogiques
The case we are going to discuss addresses the following issues and concepts:
- Performance measurement systems;
- Performance indicators;
- and the Balanced Scorecard.
Balanced Scorecard - Performance Measurement system - PMS - Management Accounting - Management Control - Key Performance Indicators - KPI - Diagnosis
Students: Masters 1, 2; Mastères spécialisés
MBA, Executive MS
Secteur d'activité
Call center
Caractéristiques particulières
- PPT: Debriefing (11 slides)
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
11 avec 2 page(s) annexe(s)
plus de 3 heures
74 - Services fournis principalement aux entreprises
Oui (20 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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