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GENDER AND WORK : Task Based Communication and Research/Consulting Activities

Differences in socialization prepare males and females for different roles in the workplace and in leisure, spiritual and community events. In agricultural and pre-industrial societies, females typically handle planting, harvesting, picking and food preparation. They are assigned a social role with respect to their reproductive capacity and take secondary roles in religious, economic and artistic institutions.
In industrial societies, women's roles are confined within the domestic sphere (taking care of elders and children, house management, budget, food preparation and facilitating a man's life) because physical strength and advanced education are valued in industrial contexts and women will have been discouraged from attempting to compete with men in these areas (physical strength and education) from an early age.
In post-industrial society and in the case of people from wealthier families worldwide, females gradually gain access to salaries and social roles traditionally occupied by males, but they encounter resistance and incivility in professional and power situations insofar as few males welcome more competition for top jobs and as few males gravitate to traditional female jobs to make room. Women's work is considered less "productive" and is less paid and less prestigious in arrangements where competition for wealth, resources and power is pervasive.
This module introduces learners to basic corporate research/consulting and writing tasks using gender as a sample topic of study. The sequence of activities leads students to ask questions about gender, seek data, conduct inquiries on data base, and tailor their writing to serve company, development and sector needs. Learners are engaged with a short practical case asking them to study gender balance within an audit firm in order to improve recruitment and retension.
Objectifs pédagogiques
- Develop gender awareness as an important organizational concern.
- Brainstorm new and interesting communication tasks investigating contemporary issues affecting the social climate in organizations.
- Consider diversity as a research thread for addressing the dual concerns of business and society.
- Become familiar with basic research/consulting methodology for reports, corporate communications, master thesis, or other advanced writing projects.
- Simulate the conceptualization, design and writing phases of a research project.
Gender - Corporate Communication - Diversification - Corporate social responsibility - Human Resources Analysis - Qualitative Research - Research and Development - Social Climate - Social Audit
- Upper undergraduates and graduate students of business, economics or specialized degrees in strategy, human resources, cross cultural management or diversity tracks;
-non-governmental and public organizations.
- Upper-intermediate, advanced level of English.
- University level oral and written communication skills.
- Basic familiarity with a university library.
Prerequisites : Age group - adult, minimum three year university background with a a general grasp of economics and organizations.
Secteur d'activité
Data processing
Caractéristiques particulières
This module will help students understand how to conduct basic research for consulting and academic projects and find suitable topics for business reports and a variety of corporate communication tasks, by asking questions leading to recent, pertinent and available information. Each activity builds skill in acquiring good research, writing and organizational methodology. This sequence of exercises has been conceptualized to simulate a genuine research/consulting project from start to finish. Working through these activities will acquaint the student with best practices and thinking reflexes that can be applied to a wide variety of fact-finding missions.
The student guide and the teacher guide have been presented separately. The teacher manual is a companion to the student guide.
The student guide contains two broad types of material. "Exhibit" material aims to give brief, simple examples of areas that students need to assimilate. "Activity" sections are class and home exercises that can be conducted in plenary, small groups or as individual tasks. Generally, exhibits and activities are presented in sequences that associate conceptual learning with implementation and practice.
Only available in English. No French version.
Duration : 8 to ten hours
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
de 1 à 2 jours
72 - Activités informatiques
Oui (41 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.