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BOHO GREEN MAKE-UP: How to Develop Brand Strategy in Sweden*

* Prix AFM 2023 de la meilleure étude de cas en Marketing

Boho Green Make-Up is an innovative and committed French brand, firmly positioned on the fast-growing market of organic and natural cosmetics. The brand designs and markets a large range of make-up products with pigmented colors and soft textures. After a successful launch on the French market, Boho Green Make-Up is developing its export sales, mainly in Europe, which represents more than 20% of its turnover. This is a strategic priority for the company, which aims to develop the brand internationally, particularly in the promising Scandinavian markets.
This case study, carried out in close collaboration with the President of Boho Green Make-Up, presents the marketing analysis and brand strategy adopted, as well as relevant operational marketing actions to penetrate the Swedish market.
Objectifs pédagogiques
- analysis of the Swedish market for natural and organic cosmetics
- conducting an internal and external diagnosis of Boho Green Make-Up
- recommendations for the strategy to be adopted to develop Boho Green Make-Up in Sweden, including the definition of a consumer target and positioning;
- defining the components of the brand identity
- proposal of operational marketing actions aligned with the brand strategy to promote the eco-efficiency of products
- the understanding of the brand orientation concept which focuses in particular on the role of the brand as a resource and strategic platform for an organisation, and on the importance of brand identity
- the use of the SAVE Model (Solution, Acces, Value, Education) with each component replacing the 4 Ps paradigm (Product, Place, Price, Communication) of the traditional marketing mix
international market research, strategic marketing, strategic diagnostic, international marketing, international brand strategy, brand orientation, global brand strategy, brand repositioning, brand identity, marketing mix, B to B to C marketing
- students in licence, master and specialized mastères
- MBA and executive MS
Secteur d'activité
Natural and Organic Cosmetics Market
Caractéristiques particulières
debriefing PPT: 40 slides
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
18 avec 3 page(s) annexe(s)
plus de 3 heures
24 - Industrie chimique, pharmaceutique, parapharmaceutique
Oui (18 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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