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BlaBlaCar: Internationalisation as a drive development - Digital case

This case provides an overview of the development of BlaBlaCar, a French ride-sharing startup, from its founding to its international expansion. The case outlines the company's activity, the importance of its community of members, and the various ways in which it has improved its service and created value for users. This sharing-economy company has experienced rapid growth in France where its market share is rising steadily, as well as in new foreign markets.
Anyway, despite this success story, BlaBlaCar remains a minor player in the sharing economy (and in the overall platform economy - GAFAN), and also remains a minor player in the field of mobility at the global level. In what direction should the company move to consolidate its position?
Your mission consist in identifying strategic levers to support a future request for investment. You must therefore identify new growth opportunities in France and abroad.
Objectifs pédagogiques
- Be able to identify the broad outlines of the mobility sector, which encompasses a wide range of very different stakeholders.
- Be able to analyse a rapidly-changing sector which is undergoing far-reaching changes due to technological advances.
- Carry out a strategic assessment of a company by correctly using strategic analysis tools and measuring their limits.
- Put forward proposals and be able to justify choices by considering directions for developing the BlaBlaCar company in the future.
- Be able to defend a choice for development and persuade others that this is a suitable choice based on the company's resources and skills.

This case will also help develop cross-disciplinary skills:
- Oral and written communication skills for different audiences.
- Teamwork.
- Finding and analysing information.
Disruptive Strategy - Sharing Economy - Collaborative Economy - Strategic Diagnosis - Mobility - Internationalization - Ride Sharing - Start-up - PESTEL - Porter's Forces - Value Chain - SWOT - Ansoff Matrix
M1, M2, Specialized Masters
Executive Education : MBA, Executive MS, Managers
Secteur d'activité
Sharing Economy
Caractéristiques particulières
This is an interactive case like a "serious games" type. Developed in Html5, this innovative case is compatible with all browsers.
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plus de 3 heures (3 h to 6 h )
63 - Services auxiliaires des transports et agences de voyages
Oui (28 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 600,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 1 200,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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