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The 10th Bilateral EU-Kandonesia Summit

Team negotiations over a summit between the European Union and a major strategic partner from the Asian region in a post-Lisbon Treaty context. The purchase of the case should not be separated from that of the teaching note containing Annex to distribute the roles in the group of learners.
Objectifs pédagogiques
This role-play simulation focuses on the complexity of European team negotiations:

- How to prepare efficiently a team negotiation?
- How to coordinate internally?
- How to be an effective chairperson, mediator or facilitator to reconcile conflicting positions within his own team and with third parties?
- How to implement and analyse a team negotiation strategy, internally within one's own delegation, but also externally with third parties?
- How to identify and overcome deadlocks that are specific to a team negotiation?
European Negotiations, European External Action Service (EEAS), Team Negotiations, Team Cohesiveness, Coordination, Mandate
Students in Masters of European studies and executives working in the public sector who are willing to explore the complexity of European negotiations in the post-Lisbon Treaty context.
Secteur d'activité
Government institutions
Caractéristiques particulières
Time required and mechanics :
- 20 minutes individual preparation by role
- 60/80 minutes internal negotiations within the EU and the Kandonesia delegations
- 60/90 minutes external negotiations between the EU and the Kandonesia delegations
- 60 minutes debriefing and analysis
Teaching material :
General instructions

Confidential instructions - 8 roles :

European Union delegation :
- Managing Director Asia (EEAS);
- Head of Unit in charge of Kandonesia (EEAS);
- Chairman of the Asia, Oceania working party (EEAS);
- Deputy Head of Unit, Copernico programme (DG ENTR);
- Coordination Desk Kandonesia (DG TRADE).

Kandonesian delegation :
- Director General for Europe and North America;
- Director in charge of Europe;
- Technical Advisor of the Minister of Finance.

Teaching note
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
Oui (7 pages) - à acheter séparément

Adhérents : 5,10 € HT / Non adhérent : 5,50 € HT
Licence à l'unité*
* Usage unique limité à une session. Prix par étudiant formé. Licence à renouveler pour chaque nouvelle session.

Voir aussi ...

Note pédagogique
The 10th Bilateral EU-Kandonesia Summit (Teaching note)