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FAVOLS : a brand extension as a new growth relay? *

* Runner-up on the AFM-CCMP Competition 2014 in the category "Best Marketing Case"

Favols is a company based in Bias (Lot) specialised in fruit processing and preserving.
It was created in 1996 by a plum producer intending to add value to his fruits. Favols is a jam-producer pioneering in 100% fruit jams, but also on sophisticated organic recipes created in the 80's, long before the official regulation. That small-sized company now has around 30 staff members.
Since 2005, Eloïse HAMONET, the company's marketing director, has undertaken a comprehensive streamlining of the ranges, together with the launch of performing innovations emphazing the corporate know-how.
This strategy has enabled to position the brand as "the fruit specialist and expert" with an explicit motto "FAVOLS: when fruits have inspiration." Together with this brand re-positioning Jean-Guy VERSAEVEL, FAVOLS Sales director has reconsidered the marketing channels. Indeed, FAVOLS is now only available in delicatessen stores and premium marketing channels both in France and abroad. This repositioning has proved successful as the brand's sales have increased by 15% from 2005 to 2011.
Henceforth, Philippe VERDIER, FAVOLS CEO, is setting the company a new challenge: tackling the chocolate market. This market seems spared by the economic crisis and even though it lies outside the realm of the current corporate expertise, the delicatessen channel where it is quickly expanding, is where FAVOLS is marketing its range.

In order to develop this project, the marketing director has just hired you as the product manager for the future chocolate range.
This case was written with the help Favols marketing management and gives the opportunity to define a comprehensive marketing strategy on a booming market while integrating the difficulties specific to small and medium-sized companies.

Many thanks to the Fvols company, who communicted all the information necessary to write this case. We would like to particularly thank Eloïse HAMONET, the marketing director for being so available nd her precious advice, together with Jean-Guy VERSAEVEL, the sales director who was nice enough to guide us during our tour of the plant.

Finally, we would like to point out that the internal number featured in this case have been slightly altered for confidentiality reasons. however the evolutions were left unchanged in order to remain faithful to the real corporate situation.
Objectifs pédagogiques
Assessing the students' capacities to:
1)Analyse a situation while taking into account the specifics of the company and its environment
2)Summarise information
3)Define a comprehensive strategy or vision: devising consisten strategic scenarios
4)Justify an action plan
This case should particularly be the opprtunity for student to:
- Run an internal & external analysis and a diagjnosis on a booming market.
- Build a double SWOT diagnosis
- Develop a justified recommendation for the future sales development having identified the key success factors.
- Define quantified strategic marketing objectives,
- Devise a marketing plan (product/price/distribution/communication).
- Cost the marketing plan and devise a schedule for the recommended actions.
Introductory case, Summary case, Exam case, Strategic diagnosis, Market analysis, Growth strategy, Development, Marketing mix, Marketing strategy
Pre-requisites: introduction to marketing and marketing strategy
Bac + 3 to bac + 5 students, business school students, Marketing Masters and advanced masters, initial training or continuous education.
Secteur d'activité
Fruit processing and preserves
Caractéristiques particulières
Document delivered with a teaching debriefing presentation with 46 slides. This case has been used as a graduating exam subject. It is possible to grade out of 20 marks under the marking scheme detailed.
French version M1824 Favols is also available.
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
49 avec 19 page(s) annexe(s)
plus de 3 heures
15 - Industries alimentaires
Oui (7 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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